Frequent questions

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

The products are generally shipped from our warehouses in Italy. Items can take 5 to 12 business days to arrive.
How long does it take to receive the tracking number?

It usually takes 1 to 2 working days.

Will I receive a confirmation number when I receive my order?

Yes, you will receive an email confirming the transaction with an identifier of your order.
Contact us if you don't receive one within 24 hours.

Who can I contact if I have problems with my order?

You can write directly to the Whats Up support chat that you will find in our shop.
We have a very attentive customer service team. We make sure your problem is resolved as soon as possible.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit and debit cards, such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express. You can also pay with PayPal and PostePay.

Is payment on this site safe?

Absolutely, all purchases made here are safe, our site is safe at

If I enter my email address, is my data safe?

Emails are only used to track and send newsletters about our promotions and discount coupons.

Do I (the customer) have to pay customs duties and shipping?

You do not have to pay customs duties and shipping costs.
Shipping is free throughout Italy.